Improves the eye elasticity, reduces the wrinkles formation while hydrating the skin. It helps to correct early signs of aging and eliminates puffiness, sagging skin & dark circle. Leaving the eye area firmer, looking soft, smooth and years younger.
Direction: Apply a small amount underneath the eyes and to the outside areas of eye, massage in circular motion for 3-5 minutes until completely absorbed. Can also apply around neck area.
高科技配方, 能迅速渗透肌肤底层,有效地改善眼部因缺水所产生的细纹;帮助增强肌肤弹性,促进细胞活力,同时在眼部形成滋润的保护膜,进而改善黑眼圈、眼袋和细纹。让眼睛重新注入活力,散发明亮迷人光采。
使用方法: 洁肤后,均匀地把安瓿涂敷在眼部周围,再用指尖以按摩方式轻轻地按摩3-5分钟,至完全渗透为止。也可涂敷在颈部周围。
Size: 5ml x 10btls