An instant relief perfect for dry skin. This fast absorbing and non sticky formula replenishes skin with ultra hydration as well as helping prevent the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Direction: Apply the mask to the face. Avoid lips and eye area. Leave on for 20-30 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with tepid water.
含活性矿泉萃取精华,能够深层调节肌肤缺水度,帮助肌肤捉住水分并牢牢锁住,以达到全天候保湿,亮白肤色, 减少邹纹等功效,让肌肤充满活力,白皙透亮。
使用方法: 在洁肤后, 均匀的把面膜涂敷在脸上, 避免接触眼睛及嘴唇部位。 待大约20-30分钟,然后用清水冲净即可。
Size: 60ml / 1500ml