A unique formulation enriched with Protein that helps to diminish dark patches and uneven skin tone. Specially blended with Abutting and Collagen, which activates skin lightening agent, increases oxygen supply and helps prevent skin from wrinkling. Leaving a fairer, smoother and more elastic skin.
Direction: After cleansing, apply mask and press lightly with finger tips, leave on for 20-30 minutes. Remove the mask and then rinse the face thoroughly with water. Use once or twice weekly.
深入皱纹之间的缝隙,针对细胞的天然再生物质蛋白解体,修复受损蛋白质,促进细胞恢复,重建肌肤表层, 令肌肤紧绷有弹性。且即时帮助肌肤补充水分并有效净白肌肤,淡化色斑,使肌肤变得水嫩透白。
使用方法: 洁面后,将面膜的任一面敷于面部,用手指轻压使其紧贴面部,敷20-30分钟,让肌肤充分吸收净白滋养精华成份,再以温水洗净。每周使用1~2次。
Size: 30gm x 2pcs / 30gm x 14pcs