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Using a combination of nutrient rich ingredients such as Sodium Chlorid, Glycerine and Cucumber Extract, this invigorating dual action body scrub is formulated to gently exfoliate & moisturize the skin, leaving it silky smooth & totally refreshed.
Direction: Apply to wet or dry skin, gently massage in a circular motion, then rinse thoroughly.
配方中蘊含氯化钠, 甘油和黄瓜提取物,能温和地祛除老旧角质,达到深层洁净肌肤的功效。蕴含维生素E, 有效修护因干燥而受损的肌肤,给予肌肤足够的水分与滋润,使肌肤瞬间回复活力、 幼嫩光滑及莹白通透。
使用方法: 将身体润湿后,取适量海盐以打圈方式按摩于角质粗厚部位,再以清水冲洗干净即可。
Size: 60ml / 1500ml